State of affairs

You vote for racist pigs.
Liars and hypocrites!
Your nations healthcare sucks.
All to save some bucks.
You claim that you are free.
While you're trapped in misery.
A nation of war and pain.
America has lost it's gain.
~skip chorus~
Your freedom didn't last.
Died in a long distant past.
America why can't you see.
Your president is now a Nazi!
No free America.
Just debt and credit cards.
Sick folks without a home.
America what have you done!
~skip chorus~
You vote for racist pigs.
Liars and hypocrites!
Your nations healthcare sucks.
All to save some bucks.
You claim that you are free.
While you're trapped in misery.
A nation of war and pain.
America has lost it's gain.
No free America.
Just debt and credit cards.
Sick folks without a home.
America what have you done.
No free America.
Just debt and credit cards.
Sick folks without a home.
Land of the free?